What’s all the buzz about , Freelancing!
Is Freelancing really a lucrative career?
Here’s a genuine breakdown.
Be ready for a little long story.
I work in a healthcare role for more than about 3 years now, and after all the slogging and scheduling and arranging and treating, It all becomes so physically daunting!.
What can I say?!
Yes, here I am complaining about a healthcare job.
So, I am truly grateful to have gotten the opportunity to have treated over 700 to a 900 patients in this span of time. And I don’t know if it’s normal wanting to quit and still be so driven to follow your passion even after being in a different profession for a long time.
I think that is what True love is. You cannot forget what your soul remembers. And mine only knew the love For WRITING.
I feel extremely blessed to have this realization and a boon to have found my treasure early on.
So, I started. Yes friends👏 I did!
I began writing and posting and bidding for freelancing.
You must be thinking I had a big sac of gold coins raining from the mighty skies above, the moment I decided to start freelancing?
Now the moment I began, there were these whole lot of courses and so much of techniques and tactics introduced to me.
I realised I had so much to learn, it wasn’t just about dreaming and Writing.
And I, having the love for learning new stuff was extremely excited to learn each one of it.
So I decided to dive into the world of internet and it’s algorithms.
I have learnt deeply about SEO, Keyword Research, Google Analytics, backlinks, and captivating Titles etc…
The more I kept learning the more I realised this is still not enough. There is so much more to it.
You need to keep giving content regularly, stay up-to-date, keep learning and planning and writing and reading and engaging with your peers in the same field etc.
There is just no end to it…
I did all of this just to realise I am going to earn Nothing, for atleast the first few months or even a year of writing and publishing.
So as Newbie, I googled, I searched for the right answer in every corner of the internet.
And there actually seems to be no straight answer to what scope does your niche have? how much would you earn? when would you start earning? Is it a stable income or not?
All these questions keep haunting you at start.
But what is different for natural writers and who have been passionate about writing since the very beginning.
They just don’t Care.
They don’t care about the money yet, they are ready to wait for eternity because all they are enjoying is their time with their mind and the Notepad.
All they ever want is a ‘Platform’ to keep writing, a place to publish all their written gigs in the notes, or in Google Docs.
I’m pretty sure, every Aspiring Writers will have GOOGLE DOCS or Notes on their phones Filled with written materials, a poem or an article.
We writers feel the urge to write down every little idea that comes to our mind, no matter where we are and what we do.
I myself once stopped my vehicle while travelling back home from work. Just to quickly scribble down this idea that struck me, into my Google Docs, because we feel guilty if we forget about it later.
Happened to you?
Yes, and MEDIUM as a Platform is such a boon for people like us. Freelancing as a writer, sounds quite exciting..
So, for a person who is only thinking of earning money, it might be a daunting experience to Wait for the results and may even have a negative impact in the work they do.
For the peeps who love writing, They just do not care about the money. They are confident that it might take time, they know they just need to perfect their work and not compromise on Dedication.
Currently I do not have an income with writing, Yet! But I wouldn’t just throw away all of my hardwork just because I haven’t seen results yet, it’s only because of My undying love for my craft.
The only thing that matters is that I am enjoying my journey with or without the results, because I have gotten a platform.
And I believe if we keep working on ourselves and build a strong foundation, in our own blogs and websites. Our first client would be really special to us, because we know he trusted us based on the work we put in improving ourselves.
I cannot wait until somebody pays me for the world I created all by myself.
Thank you for reading friends,
Let’s Wait together, and Uplift each other. All the very Best for that First Dollar in your pocket that you’ll make with your enticing writing.
And a Big Congratulations to those who are already earning from the craft.
I hope you Hung the first Dollar fully framed with silver carvings to the wall, That’s at least what I’m gonna do.