It Took You 10+ Years To Execute?
I’ve taken 3 Years to gather Courage and Clarity!
I did not see a way forward.
I felt stupid every second of my life.
It was not very long ago that I began taking Writing Seriously.
It almost seemed impossible to make a Living out of Writing!
But I somehwere feel, This was exactly when I needed to start.
I worked hard every single day, Broke my back, damaged my mental health and what for?
All to realise that No matter how many jobs I hopped or how hard I tried to Sustain, I couldn’t do it anymore.
It took me, 2 unhappy Jobs, to realize that it wasn’t meant to be, Every new opportunity I seeked, I even tried switching my role in the past workplace, That didn’t excite me either. Although I’m happy I was Experimenting during my Tenure in the last organization, that gave me a broad view of what are the exact things I love or hate doing.
If I hadn’t experimented then, I probably would’ve taken longer to choose Writing as my True Venture.
This ultimate Career switch has helped me shape my choices and decisions.
Here are 5 reasons you cannot ‘Execute’
- You think you have plenty of time